3 Best Ways to Convert TS Files to MP3 [Step-by-Step]
Sometimes, we need to change TS to MP3 to extract the sound or upload it to our podcast. Besides, MP3 is far away, smaller than TS and more manageable to transfer. This article will illustrate three ways to change TS to MP3. If you want to trim and edit your MP3 file and remove your audio's noise, you can also find your solutions here.

Part 1: The Fastest Way to Convert TS to MP3 with the Best Quality
Tipard Video Converter Ultimate is an excellent TS to MP3 converter because it performs well in converting them and satisfies your every possible need in the process. You can choose from three levels of quality for your MP3 file: high, medium, and low, or customize it. With these choices, you can surely convert your TS file losslessly. Tipard Video Converter Ultimate supports almost every video and format, ripping DVDs, adding fade-in and fade-out effects, and many other utility functions.
This program has been updated to a higher version, new functions are still being unveiled, and conversion speed has improved frequently. By the way, its execution package is super lightweight - only 2MB, and you only have to leave 200MB for its program data. Now, let's see how to convert TS to MP3.
Step 1Launch the program and upload the TS file by clicking the Add Files button in the Converter tab.

Step 2Select MP3 as the final format; (optional) set parameters by clicking the gear button.
Click the drop-down box beside Output Format on the left bottom corner > click Audio and choose MP3 in the pop-up window > usually we click Same as source as the quality.
(Optional) Click the gear button to set the encoder, channel, sample, and bit rate.

Step 3(Optional) Remove the background noise of the video. Edit or cut it.
Click the Enhance video button and choose Remove video noise; you can preview how it works before clicking Save to apply it. Click the little magic stick and scissors button to edit and cut your video and audio.

Step 4Click Convert All and complete all! The final path will open after converting is finished.
Part 2: Easily Convert TS to MP3 in VLC Media Player
VLC Media Player is a veteran multimedia player that is remarkably acclaimed. It is embedded with many subtle but obscure functions, like ripping DVDs, but converting file formats is no longer a concealed function. VLC supports four default audio formats as a converter: MP3, OGG, FLAC, and CD. By the way, do you know that you can change the VLC cone? If you already have VLC on your computer, how about making up for it and following my easy steps to convert TS files to MP3? OK, let's cut to the chase.
Make up for your VLC, and have fun!

Step 1Launch VLC and click Media > choose Convert/Save in the cascade.

Step 2Click Add Files in the pop-up window and upload your TS file; after adding your file, hit Convert/Save.

Step 3In the next pop-up window, choose Audio- MP3 as your profile; click Browse to specify your final path; change the suffix to .mp3 (if your final path is already .mp3, just leave it as what it is); click Save and Start.
Note: don't forget your final path since the final path will not open, and the MP3 file will not play automatically after the procedure.

Part 3: Convert TS to MP3 in FFmpeg
FFmpeg is a professional open-source and commend-line. They are confident that they can process all operations that humans and machines have created about multimedia, and converting file formats is not a thing.
Although the command line may not be a mystery to you, you still have to configure the environment to convert TS to MP3 with only one line of command without errors. However, configuring the environment is an annoying and impenetrable errand, even if you have thorough instructions.
So, I have prepared an easier way for you from downloading to converting with FFmpeg. TS to MP3 converting is within one line! (Windows as the example)
Step 1Go to the official website of FFmpeg and click Download; choose Windows and click the link below to the download page as shown in the picture below; click the latest version to download.

Step 2Unzip it to where it is located (usually the Downloads folder). Put your TS file into the bin folder in the FFmpeg folder and name the file input.ts.

Step 3Open the command line using Ctrl+R, input cmd, and press Enter.

Step 4First, input "cd [your bin folder path]", and press Enter; then input "ffmpeg -i input.ts output.mp3". Your final MP3 file will be stored in the bin folder.

Part 4: FAQs about TS to MP3
What is TS?
TS is a video format for transferring and reserving multimedia, initially designed for DVB and ATSC.
How can I open TS files?
Many players, such as VLC and Windows Media Player, support the TS format. However, you may need to install extra plugins on old versions of Windows Media Player to play TS videos.
Is TS a widely used video format?
Not really. TS is usually used for broadcast. Therefore, if we want to play or edit it on your phone, we'd better change it to other formats like MP4.
I have introduced three ways to convert TS to MP3. You can change your file to MP3 with the best quality most easily and powerfully - Tipard Video Converter Ultimate. Those convenient toolboxes also meet all your needs during conversion. What do you think? Download it and start your conversion!