VLC is a popular and reliable open-source media player, but like any program, it can sometimes run into technical issues. A common problem users face is when the video plays, but there is no sound. It can be annoying, especially when you expect both picture and audio to work smoothly.

In this write-up, we will look at the reasons behind this no-sound VLC player issue and provide simple solutions to fix it. With these solutions, you would not have to worry about missing out on sound while watching your favorite videos. You can enjoy your media again, with pictures and sound working perfectly.

No Sound VLC Player

Part 1. Why Does VLC Have No Sound

It could be because the volume is low, there is an issue with the sound card or speakers, or the audio options are wrong. Sometimes, the video file may be damaged, or the audio drivers installed on your computer may be old. Moreover, the problem with sound can be caused by the old version of the VLC media player. These are some of the most common causes why VLC media players may not play sound.

Part 2. 6 Ways to Fix No Sound in VLC Player

If you are struggling with no sound in VLC Media Player, several simple solutions exist. Here are some easy ways to troubleshoot and get the audio working again.

1. Turn On Audio or Unmute Audio in VLC

Sometimes, the audio in VLC might be muted by mistake. Unmuting it is very simple and can fix the problem:

Step 1 Open VLC Media Player.

Step 2 Go to the Audio menu at the top of the screen.

Step 3 Check the Mute option. If it is enabled, click it to unmute.

Step 4 Click Tools, then go to Preferences. In the Audio section, ensure the Enable Audio box is checked.

Turn On Audio Or Unmute Audio In VLC

2. Enable Your Sound Device

A common cause of VLC no audio issue is a disabled sound device in your computer settings. To enable it:

Step 1 Run the Control Panel by pressing the Windows key and searching for it.

Step 2 Navigate to Hardware and Sound and click Sound.

Step 3 In the Sound settings, right-click on all devices listed and select Enable.

Step 4 Click Apply and then OK.

Enable Your Sound Device

3. Disable and Enable the Audio Track

Toggling the audio track in VLC can solve the no sound from the VLC Media Player problem. Here is how:

Step 1 Play a video on VLC.

Step 2 Head to the Audio menu and select Audio Track.

Step 3 Please turn off the track, then enable it again.

This method refreshes the audio settings and often resolves the issue.

Disable And Enable The Audio Track

4. Turn Off All Sound Enhancements

If the above steps do not work, turning off audio enhancements in Windows might help:

Step 1 Open the Control Panel and click Sound.

Step 2 Right-click on your sound device and pick Properties.

Step 3 Go to the Enhancements tab and check the Disable All Enhancements box.

Step 4 Click Apply, then restart your computer.

Disabling enhancements often resolve conflicts causing audio issues.

Turn Off All Sound Enhancements

5. Adjust VLC Audio Settings in Preferences

Changing the VLC audio settings can also help fix the VLC Media Player no-sound issue:

Step 1 Open VLC and click Tools, then Preferences.

Step 2 In the Audio Settings, make sure the Enable Audio box is checked.

Step 3 Select DirectX Audio Output from the output dropdown menu.

After this, restart VLC to see if the problem is fixed.

Adjust VLC Audio Settings In Preferences

6. Update VLC to the Latest Version

An outdated version of VLC may cause audio glitches. Updating it can solve this:

Step 1 Open VLC, go to the Help menu and select Check for Updates.

Step 2 If an update is available, a prompt will pop up. Click Yes to start downloading.

Step 3 Once the download is complete, click Install. Grant admin permissions if requested.

Step 4 Choose whether to keep your current settings or customize them.

Step 5 The installer will extract files and complete the update.

Once updated, the latest version should fix the VLC with no sound bugs and provide better performance.

Update VLC To The Latest Version

Following these steps, you can resolve the VLC no sound issue and enjoy watching videos without interruptions.

Bonus. Perhaps You Can Fix Your Video with Tipard FixMP4

You could repair your broken video and bring it back to life. With the help of Tipard FixMP4, repairing damaged videos becomes simple and effective.

This program can repair videos damaged by problems like downloading errors, transfer issues, editing errors, or bad compression codecs. Regarding video formats, it supports popular ones, like MP4, MOV, AVI, and 3GP. The impressive part is that it provides a high success rate of up to 99.99%, especially when you use a matching sample file. It lets you preview your repaired video, ensuring the damage is gone.

  • Supports MP4, MOV, AVI, and 3GP formats.
  • Allows quick previews to check the repaired video.
  • Works with high resolutions like 4K, 1080p, and 720p.
  • Fixes videos from cameras, smartphones, or camcorders.
  • Repairs videos damaged by downloading errors, transfer issues, etc.

Step 1 First, download and install Tipard FixMP4 on your computer and follow the on-screen instructions.

Step 2 Launch Tipard FixMP4 after the installation. Now, click the left (+) button to add the broken video you desire to repair. Next, click the right (+) button to import the sample video for your broken video.

Step 3 After importing the broken and sample video, click the Repair button to start repairing.

Step 4 After seconds of waiting, your broken video will be repaired successfully. Under the repaired video, you will see the final size, resolution, encoder, duration, bitrate, and frame rate.

If you want to watch the repaired video, click the Preview button. Once satisfied with the output, click the Save button to store the video straight on your device.

Tip: Make sure your broken and sample videos should be in the same format, created by the same device, or saved from the same platform. They must also have matching details, like duration, resolution, bitrate, encoder, and frame rate.

When these details are the same, the chances of repairing the broken video are successfully much higher. It is because the Tipard FixMP4 can use the sample video as a guide to repair the corrupted one.

Further Reading:


If you are experiencing no audio with VLC, now you know the possible reasons behind it. We have shared six helpful solutions to fix the issue so you can enjoy your videos without sound problems.
If your video is damaged or corrupted, you can always use Tipard FixMP4 to repair it best. This program is ideal for fixing videos that have been corrupted and guaranteeing that you can watch them in their original quality. Regardless of the problem, Tipard FixMP4 is the tool for you, which offers an effective and efficient way to repair the video.

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