WWDC 2013 Prospect Details - OS X 10.9 MacBook iRadio

Forward-looking information about iOS 7 has been widely reported and speculated. It is also of great expectation for Apple to release other products, like OS X 10.9, MacBook Air and iRadio. On the WWDC 2013, Apple is planned to release OS X 10.9, named "Cabernet" inside Apple. It altered little in façade but improved a lot in functionality. OS X 10.9 will focus on the "power-user" function, replant the excellent iOS operation system, and make more options for high-end users.
OS X 10.9
As reported, the OS X 10.9 interface will be fine-tuned and the note application will be more concise. The Quasiphysical elements ever existed in the previous OS X operating system may be removed, such as the highly materialized calendar, contact, reminder, etc. In OS X10.9, Finder will be redesigned with tags and users can switch among different folders instead of opending many finder windows. Besides, mark function may be added to Finder.
The other main change of OS X 10.9 is that different full screen working areas will be display in multiple desktops. That is to say, if MacBook Pro user uses several screens, then he can open Safari on his notebook with full screen, play one video in full mode on the one external screen and run PPT also in full display on the other external one. For now, the external screen will show fiberflax background if you run one full screen program on notebook with OS X Mountain Lion operating system.
Last year, OS X Mountain Lion adopts many functions from iOS applications, such as Messages, Notes, Reminders, Game Center and AirPlay. Now, Apple aimed to bring the Quick Swtich inspiration to OS X 10.9. Rumor has it that Apple has been dedicated to testing on OS X a fresh-new quick switch system, which is resemble to the function on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.
In addition, Apple may bring Suspension Technology in iOS to OS X10.9 to enable users to suspend unneeded apps, which is regarded as a great move to enhance the active app performance and extend the life of battery.
Rumor also has it that Apple will integrate Siri to OS X 10.9, but we have no idea of to which extend it can be integrated. Besides, some engineers have been exchanged to iOS 7 working, so the display of Siri on OS X may be delayed.
MacBook Air
It is said that Apple will release MacBook Air, which will adopt the Intel Haswell processor to lessen the power consumption and extend the life of battery. The new MacBook Air may use a front facing HD camera and improved microphone system. Dual Microphone configuration may enhance the user experience on Facetime or other voice application.
Thinner MacBook Pro
It is said that Apple will release MacBook Air, which will adopt the Intel Haswell processor to lessen the power consumption and extend the life of battery. The new MacBook Air may use a front facing HD camera and improved microphone system. Dual Microphone configuration may enhance the user experience on Facetime or other voice application.
Thinner MacBook Pro
The so-called "iRadio" refers to the streaming multimedia product, said to have been under design since last year. As reported, iRadio is similar to Pandora, which will choose music flow for users according to the music the user ever listened to and recommend music according to the users' interest. The advantage for Apple is that the users' taste can be got from the music bought on iTunes Store and music on iOS devices.
American Journey of advertising AdAge said that iRadio may use two forms of Ads, the traditional iAd and the new audio Ads. Although it will affect the user experience, it still good for users to enjoy music free of charge.