Top 7 Potential Improvements about iOS 7

iOS 7 is the seventh major mobile operation system update developed by Apple. Although Apple is tight-lipped until the World Wide Developer's Conference next week, we may know some about an update for iOS 7. Many analysts are worried that whether new features of iOS 7 can attract more people's eyes.

As we mentioned, its newly redesigned look with flattened interface elements and buttons is the biggest rumors. But competitors like Android and Windows Phone 8 are providing people with new OS innovations to latest devices continuously, which means hard for Apple to stay invincible position all the time.
Most Apple fans are considering that it's time to bring some excellent features of Android and Windows Phone to make the operation more flexibility when people using it. Here, we listed top eight changes people expected.
1. New interesting interface should be required
Except for its newly style of flattening of buttons and brand new look, Apple should provide users more customization options and themes to switch in and out freely which makes it different from other iPhone users.
2. Easy-to-use top tools
The disadvantage of iOS is that users have to finish some common tasks by digging through settings menus like adjusting brightness, managing Wi-Fi connections. However, some Android phones own some features that can solve such problem which require you to swipe downward to get various quick tools for access.
3. AirDrop and local sharing
Not like Galaxy users tap their phones together to share a photo that Samsung TV commercials shows, it's pity that iOS devices do not have this Functionality.
4. Make Notes more powerful
It's probably that the simple yellow notepad on iOS should be redesigned overhaul in iOS 7. But some other things like photos, videos, live hyperlinks, audio,etc. ought to be added in it as well.
5. Apple Maps needs to be improved
Some elements like airport layouts, interesting features of Apple maps, street view will drive more people try it.
6. Widgets are required
Android users always complaint the lack of widgets in iOS. These weights can offer us related information quickly, which functions are simple though. It's probably that more users will like it.