New Features of iOS 7, Which One Do You Favor Most

The official website of WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference) and related media news show that software will be the staple of the conference this year, which means that iOS7 will be one of the leading roles of this forthcoming conference.Not only the iOS users are keen on guessing, many designers are doing their best to imagine. They have designed groups of concept graphs and added multiple desirable functions, such as plug-in functions, crystal interface, fast switch of notifications and writing SMS in lock screen etc.
Last year, Apple's ID leader Jony Ive succeeded Scott Forstall as the leader of Human Interface Team. Recent news came that the interface of iOS 7 will be redesigned with flatter style, and realistic textures will be remove. One of the ex-employees of Apple claimed that the change of the system is far beyond the surface. iOS 7 hasn't been released yet, the following article makes a conclusion of the most desirable features users are clamouring to see.

1. More shortcuts in the lock screen
There would be more shortcuts to APPs in the lock screen, including phone calls and SMS. Drag the clock icon to the left, quick settings such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth will appear.
2. Quick reply
If a message comes to you, you can reply directly in any place instead of entering the SMS application.
3. Widget tools
Click twice and the widget will pop up to you. With this function, you don't have to launch the APP no matter what you want to do.
4. More complete map
The improvement of map in iOS7 is inevitable. Before the release of iOS6 in September, 2012, Apple adopted its own map system instead of Google map. However, the bad user experience won much complaint from users, which was the reason why the supervisor Scott Forstall left company. Cook has made public apologies for this and promised to make improvements to the map function.
In February this year, Apple employed 10 engineers to develop and complete the map application, including the iOS map UI development, integrating Siri, Map Kit and other iOS services, 3D visual path and space algorithm etc.
5. More interesting Siri
Apple has posted several advertisements about recruiting creative writers with the ability of blending in language creativity, word game, life experience with the competitive technological environment. Also, it would be more humanized and more comfortable if Siri's voice becomes alterable, not just a robotic woman's voice.
6. Deeper integration with vehicle-mounted system
Apple is trying to integrate the map application and Siri with vehicle-mounted system, racing to control the screen in the car. It's disclosed that Apple Company is cooperating with automobile manufacture to optimize the in-car system, hoping to better cooperate with the iOS system. For example, when you insert the iPhone into the vehicle-mounted system, the map of Apple, instead of the traditional GPS system will appear in the screen of the car. However, there are too many automobile manufactures and the test takes a long time, so it needs much time achieving this function.
7. Better notification function
It's much better to add notification function to iOS system, but it still needs some improvement. The system should be matched with better allocation, allowing users to control read and unread messages more freely. It's annoying if the notification appears at the top of the screen all the time.
8. Fingerprint and bio-measurement technique
In July, 2012, Apple Company acquired the fingerprint and bio-measurement security firm named Authen Tech with 356 million dollars. So in the new iOS system, we might as well expect some new features about security. If the analysts and scholars are right, the next iPhone will be designed with fingerprint sensor.
The lock screen of iOS is much too minimal. We don't mean to see Android-style widgets sprayed everywhere, but a little more functionality wouldn't go amiss. For example, artwork from a currently playing song is displayed on the lock screen, but there are no controls for pausing or skipping to the next track, until you double-press Home, which isn't hugely discoverable. And beyond notifications, nothing else shows up there at all.
Before the iOS7 is officially released, all these features are just the art imagination of designers, and we are just expressing our expectations and guesses. Apple Company has the power to make the decision, any function in test for now may be canceled before release.